emtest VDS200N


Modell: emtest VDS200N
Beschreibung: Spannungsabfallsimulator
Datenblatt PDF: emtest VDS200N

emtest VDS200N (contact Axiom for availability)The emtest VDS200N Voltage Drop Simulator is used to simulate the various battery supply waveforms recommended by international standards and by car manufacturer requirements. The manufacturer requirements are an especially important area covered by the VDS200N series as there is a large variety of requirements. Secondly, the VDS200N serves as a powerful DC voltage supply for the DUT during the tests with automotive transients. The VDS200N covers all three supply voltage categories. It’s cur capability ranges up to 200A depending on the model configuration and your application.The emtest VDS 200N is specifically designed to cope with almost every requirement of international and national as well as car manufacturer standards world-wide. Its integrated DC amplifier with a frequency range up to 50kHz allows to generate dips and drops, short interruptions and many kind of voltage variation representing various phenomena being measured on a wiring harness.The VDS 200N30.1 and VDS 200N50.1 models are bipolar amplifiers able to absorb energy fed back from the DUT up to nominal cur. The VDS200N offers the QuickStart with parameters being adjustable during test to evaluate the susceptibility level of a DUT. Pulse 4 and 2b as per ISO 7637-2:2004 and many more car manufacturer specific waveforms are pre-programmed. Together with an external signal generator (e.g. AutoWave) the VDS 200N can generate most complex waveforms.Front panel menu and function keys enable the user to program his test routines quickly and accurately. The cursor allows fast control of all test parameters of the programmed routine, thus test procedures are simplified and confidence is generated that every step is carried out correctly.The ISO.CONTROL Software allows for outstanding user convenience, clearly structured windows and operation features and the EM TEST standards library along with the flexibility to generate user specific test sequences very easily are the main features of iso.control software. The software is automatically configured according to the connected EM TEST generators. iso.control software covers international/national standards and most of the manufacturer standards and is continuously updated. Extensive reporting capabilities help the user to create test reports that meet international requirements.ISO.CONTROL SW is supported by Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Remote control is achieved either via USB or GPIB. iso.control supports a wide range of GPIB cards of National Instruments.     

emtest VDS200N Product Overview