Keysight (Agilent) 85671A

Phase Noise Measurement Utility

Model: Keysight (Agilent) 85671A
Description: Phase Noise Measurement Utility
Data Sheet PDF: Keysight (Agilent) 85671A

The HP Agilent 85671A Phase Noise Measurement Utility is a downloadable program that transforms your Agilent 8560 series spectrum anaylzer into a phase noise tester. The 85671A removes the work in performing phase noise measurements.The 85671A utility eliminates the time-consuming task of hand-drawing phase noise plots. To measure oscillator phase noise, you no longer need to spend time manually tuning your spectrum Analyser to multiple frequency offsets. You can quickly and easily generate graphs of phase noise (dBc/Hz) versus log offset frequency or integrate the results over a band of interest for degrees or radians RMS.

  • Direct phase noise readout from log frequency graph
  • Variable filtering
  • Calculation of integrated RMS noise
  • Spot frequency measurements
  • Digitized hardcopy and storage

    Keysight Agilent

    Keysight (Agilent) 85671A Product Overview