Tektronix P7313

Sonda differenziale attiva, 12,5 GHz

Modello: Tektronix P7313
Descrizione: Sonda differenziale attiva, 12,5 GHz
Scheda dati PDF: Tektronix P7313

Tektronix P7313The Tektronix P7313 12.5 GHz Diffeial Probe features:Signal Fidelity

  • >12.5 GHz Bandwidth (P7313, typ.)
  • DC Input Resistance: 100 kΩ diffeial, 50 kΩ single-ended AC loading: Zmin >200 Ω out to 10 GHz
  • Make diffeial or single-ended (ground referenced) measurements
  • Solder down capability
  • Handheld probing with variable spacing and compliance (>8 GHz)
  • Fixtured probing
  • Connect to a variety of devices, Economical


    Tektronix P7313 Product Overview